30 April, 2006101 Samples for Visual Studio 2005
Nice collection of samlple code for Visual Studio 2005 both in C# an VB.Net. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/101samples/default.aspx. The samples include:
- Changing ACL (Access Control Lists) on files
- Console Enhancements including buffer control, simple animations and colors
- Downloading files using FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- Network Programming including PING, UDP, and TCP network statistics
- Using the new Stopwatch class to measure time
- Compressing and decompressing files in the GZip format
- Retrieving Drive Information
- Using Generic Collections
- Creating Regular Expressions to parse text
- Building a tracing infrastructure to track errors and application performance
- Controlling cache policies with the new System.Net.Cache namespace
- Creating a process viewer
- Creating a Windows service manager
- Using the data protection API
- Encrypting and decrypting data
- Using platform invoke to access legacy or unmanaged code from within managed code
- Building in support for localization
- Using the NGEN utility
- Using the new SecureString class
- Using new socket class methods
- Using serial ports with the new Port class
- Working with the file system
- Working with threads to manage multiple tasks simultaneously
- Building a simple web server with HTTPListener
And a lot more, check it out!
Tags: .NET Development