31 March, 2013

Quantified House - Raspberry Pi and 1-wire


Becoming a house owner I felt a need to mix in some nerdyness with all the home renovation. Lately I’ve getting in to the Raspberry Pi and when a friend at work told me about the 1wire components that could be connected using USB and no soldering I was hooked.

This post describes how I got it up and running to log temperature at two places and humidity at one.

This is my first stab at this so the scripts are in a first version just to get it up and running with a lot of redundant and unpolished code. Also, this is the first time since switching over to wordpress I’m trying to use github gists for code. If it looks wonky – please let me know.


I started out with the latest drop of Raspian Weezy from http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads and used win32DiskImager to get the image on to the SD card. Plopped it into the Pi and was off to the races.

I used ssh to execute stuff on the Pi, it was enabled by default in my Raspberry. I looked in my routers admin ui to get the IP-address. I used Putty as


Next up was getting the WiFi working. I borrowed a wifi usb dongle from my brother: Wireless USB 11N Nano Adaptor 802.11N (WiFi Dongle). Which I plugged in one of the USB ports.

Then I cracked opened the /etc/network/interfaces which looked like:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp
view raw gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

and changed it to this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug wlan0
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid network-name
wpa-psk password
#wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
#iface default inet dhcp
view raw gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

After a reboot the wifi was up and running. To verify that the Pi got an ip-number I used the ifconfig command.

Now I put the raspberry up on the attic and connected the sensors.

The sensors

So, my weapon of choice here is to use 1wire components. I’ve bought a little board with humidity and temperature on that I connected to the Raspberry Pi using USB. Here is the components (the links are to a web shop in Swedish):

Humidity sensor[https://www.m.nu/luftfuktighetsmatare-version-2-p-373.html](https://www.m.nu/luftfuktighetsmatare-version-2-p-373.html "https://www.m.nu/luftfuktighetsmatare-version-2-p-373.html")
Temperature sensor[https://www.m.nu/temperatursensor-pa-kabel-p-44.html](https://www.m.nu/temperatursensor-pa-kabel-p-44.html "https://www.m.nu/temperatursensor-pa-kabel-p-44.html")
1wire USB[https://www.m.nu/adapter-usb-1wire-ds9490r-p-49.html](https://www.m.nu/adapter-usb-1wire-ds9490r-p-49.html "https://www.m.nu/adapter-usb-1wire-ds9490r-p-49.html")


To get some readings from the sensors I needed to set up One-Wire File Systems called OWFS. This is where I thought my years in windows-land only would bring my experiments to a grinding halt.

But lo and behold, thanks to this awesome tutorial (also in Swedish) I managed to trickle through some very unixy make commands.

After doing this I could get values from the sensors using the cat command

cat /mnt/1wire/26.0ECE3B010000/humidity gives me 54.6871% Relative Humidity (%RH). Which by the way is a value I’m very satisfied with.


Executing logic

My weapon of choice is Ruby, mostly because I’ve played with it and like it and I don’t know any python and mostly wanna forget C and C++. To get it running I first had to install a bunch of stuff.

Install stuff

Proftpd ftp server to be able to transfer files with ease.

sudo apt-get install proftpd

Next up was ruby.

sudo apt-get install ruby

In order to be abele to install native extensions such as the json gem I needed to install ruby 1.9.1.-dev, I don’t understand why but then again I’m not a Linux guy.

sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev

When I was done with that it looked like this:


After that I went ahead and installed some gems I know my ruby scripts needs.

sudo gem install awesome_print

sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev

sudo gem install nokogiri

For logging I’m currently trying out both Cosm (used to be Pachube) and TempoDB, so I’m logging to both. Therefore I need to install both client libraries:

> sudo gem install cosm-rb

> sudo gem install tempodb

The Code

First up, logging to cosm

require 'cosm-rb'
require 'json'
require 'ap'
def get_path_for_family path, directory_path
family = File.open(File.join(path, directory_path, 'family')).gets.strip.to_i
if family == 28
File.join(path, directory_path, 'temperature')
elsif family == 26
File.join(path, directory_path, 'humidity')
def get_cosm_dataseries_key entry
if entry == '28.1061D6020000'
elsif entry == '28.10521C040000'
elsif entry == '26.0ECE3B010000'
# TODO: Check if args exist
path = ARGV[0]
Dir.entries(path).each do |entry|
if entry.match(/^[0-9]/)
unless get_path_for_family(path, entry).nil?
ap entry + ' - ' + get_path_for_family(path, entry)
value = File.open( get_path_for_family(path, entry) ).gets.strip.to_f
series_key = get_cosm_dataseries_key(entry)
datapoint = Cosm::Datapoint.new(:at => Time.now , :value => value)
ap datapoint
Cosm::Client.post('/v2/feeds/100109/datastreams/' + series_key + '/datapoints',
:headers => {"X-ApiKey" => '<api-key>'},
:body => {:datapoints => [datapoint]}.to_json)
view raw gistfile1.rb hosted with ❤ by GitHub


And next up logging to TempoDB:

require 'tempodb'
def get_path_for_family path, directory_path
family = File.open(File.join(path, directory_path, 'family')).gets.strip.to_i
if family == 28
File.join(path, directory_path, 'temperature')
elsif family == 26
File.join(path, directory_path, 'humidity')
def get_tempodb_series_key entry
if entry == '28.1061D6020000'
elsif entry == '28.10521C040000'
elsif entry == '26.0ECE3B010000'
# TODO: Check if args exist
path = ARGV[0]
tempodb_client = TempoDB::Client.new('xxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxx')
Dir.entries(path).each do |entry|
if entry.match(/^[0-9]/)
unless get_path_for_family(path, entry).nil?
value = File.open( get_path_for_family(path, entry) ).gets.strip.to_f
series_key = get_tempodb_series_key(entry)
data = [TempoDB::DataPoint.new(Time.now, value)]
tempodb_client.write_key(series_key, data)
view raw gistfile1.rb hosted with ❤ by GitHub


One drawback for me is that TempoDB only lets you query one series at the time.

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