This is just a fairly pointless rant on twitter usage, so if it don’t fall within your sphere of interest, stop reading now! 🙂 A while back…
This have been my little weekend project this weekend (ok, some Christmas preparations to). Background As some of you know I play underwater…
Everybody is talking about twitter, tweet this and tweeting that. And I haven’t really got the point yet. So this Saturday during a Chili…
This was news to me, tough with my low reader count I don’t hang around FeedBurner much checking my stats. Google acquired FeedBurner. I don…
Hard disk failure, becoming a father and some nasty lung embolus sh**t has kept me offline and my server in a broken state. (No it’s not my…
Live Writer just went Beta 2 and is available for download (this post is writtin in it). One of the new features is SharePoint compability…
This blog is running SubText as blog engine. It works great, the biggest thing I’m missing is stats. I don’t have many readers but it’s fun…
I’ve decided to walk down the path so many have before me. I’m burning my feed using FeedBurner. So, If you got an aggregator with any self…
A couple of months back I went on a little rampage trying to find the ultimate feed reader for my needs. I tried a couple. Google Reader…
Sooo, this blog been quiet far to long now. I’ve been on vacation and mostly disconnected. So this week has been mostly about starting…
As I wrote in my previous post I changed my blogging software. In order to migrate all posts and comments from my previous blog i wrote a…
So, I’ve just changed my blogging software from dasBlog to SubText. Why? Hum, cause I felt like change. I tried to install SubText, wich by…
HAHAHAHA! Seems my blog is pretty evil: How’s your blog comparing?
Found a, for me, new intresting agile related blog: Cory Foy [via Roy Osherove].
So, finally got around to update this blog to the latest release of dasblog (1.8 Gold). Now I’m hurrying away to a wedding but when I get…
I haven’t exactly spammed this blog over the last couple of weeks, have I. The reason for that is that I’m about to get married soon so I’m…
July in Sweden is a month when almost everyone (except me) is on vacation and Sweden takes a break for a while. However working during this…
I’m just starting out with dasBlog (and blogging to as a matter of fact). dasBlog where apealing to me because there is no database needed…